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  • Political map reading competition


Student Conduct

Rules Relating to Discipline
No student shall:
(i) utter, do, or propagate anything repugnant to Islam within and outside the precincts of the Institute,
(ii) say or do anything which might adversely affect the honour and prestige of Pakistan or Institute and Teachers,
(iii) smoke in the Classroom, Laboratory, Workshop, Library and Examination Hall.
(iv) form, or associate with an organization/Society/Club, or any other body, promoting cast distinctions and inciting parochial/linguistic/regional feeling,
(v) organize, or hold any function within the precincts of the Institute except with prior approval of the Competent Authority,
(vi) collect money or receive donations or pecuniary assistance for or on behalf of the Institute except with the written permission of the Competent Authority,
(vii) stage, incite, or participate, in a walkout, strike or any other form of agitation which might create or is likely to create law and order problem for the Institute and affect or is likely to affect its smooth functioning,
(viii) indulge in immoral activities, use indecent language, wear immodest dress, make indecent remarks, jokes or gestures or behave in an improper manner,
(ix) cause disturbance to others,
(x) keep or carry weapons, narcotics, immoral or subversive literature,
(xi) disturb peace and tranquility of the Institute,
(xii) use abusive language or resort to violence against a fellow student or employee of the Institute,
(xiii) attend the class work/practical without wearing prescribed dress / Protective during the course of his studies at the Institute.
(xiv) indulge himself/herself in copying during the Examination/Tests and unlawful help to any other person during the Examinations/Tests. Uniform All the students from session 2015 onward should come to the Institute in approved uniform.
During practical in laboratories students of B.Sc. Chemical Engineering are required to wear white cotton overalls. The students are expected to wear white Safety Helmets while working at Miniature Plant and Safety Goggles while working at Engineering Workshop. Overalls, Helmets and Goggles are available at prescribed stores in Multan city.

The Institute expects its students to keep excellent record of class attendance. However, in case of emergency/sickness, students may take leave from the Head of the department by submitting an application supported by Medical Certificate in case of sickness, and by requesting him/her in writing in case of urgent work. Any unauthorized absence from class work may attract a fine of Rs.20/= per period.

Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary action by the Vice Chancellor of the Institute/ Disciplinary Committee against the students may be taken in one or more of the following forms depending upon the severity of the offence;
(i) A written warning may be issued to the students concerned and a copy of the same may be displayed on the Notice Board.
(ii) The matter may be reported to the Parents/Guardians and they may be called, if necessary.
(iii) A student may be fined. The fine imposed shall have to be deposited with the Treasurer under intimation to the Vice Chancellor / Chairman Disciplinary Committee (constituted by the Vice Chancellor) as the case may be.
(iv) A student may be placed on probation for a fixed period not exceeding 6 months. If during the period of probation he/she fails to improve his/her conduct, he/she may be rusticated or expelled.

Rustication and Expulsion
Rustication, whenever, imposed on a student, shall always mean the loss of one academic year in so far as his/her appearance at a University examination is concerned. the period of absence from the Institute will, however, depend upon the time of the year when the penalty is imposed. The student under rustication may at the discretion of the Vice Chancellor of the Institute be permitted to rejoin the class in the beginning of the next academic year.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the regulations above, a student shall continue to be under the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice Chancellor of the Institute till the completion of his final year examination including the practicals and submission of the thesis research report, design project etc. and final clearance from the Institute.

Cancellation of Admission
* If a student fails to attend classes for one week continuously after the start of the session, his/her admission shall stand cancelled automatically without any notice, and his/her seat will be offered to candidate next in merit.
* If a student is unable to attend classes for ten days or more during the session without getting prior permission from the head of department, his/her admission shall also stand cancelled.
* The IET Management reserves the right to cancel the admission of any student if he fails to abide by the disciplinary rules and regulations of the Institute issued by the Institute’s Management from time to time.