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Latest News
  • Student Alert

  • Admission in BS Environmental Sciences 2024


  • Success Story – NFC IET – 01-February-2024

  • University News Bulletin – 25-January-2024


  • Submission of Fee and Dues for Session-2K-23, for the Quarter(Dec-2023 to Feb-2024)

  • HEC WEB Portal Generated Final Merit List for PMYLS Phase-III (09-10-2023)

  • Admissions Notice

  • One Year Certificate Programs Date Extended Upto 22-September-2023




Description1st Semester At the time of admission1st Semester After admission2nd Semester3rd Semester4th SemesterTotal
Processing Fee2,000.002,000.00
Registration Fee1,500.001,500.00
Caution Money5,000.005,000.00
Library Security5,000.005,000.00
Tuition Fee45,000.0045,000.0030,000.0030,000.00150,000.00
Internet Charges1,000.001,000.002,000.00
Students Societies Fund1,000.001,000.002,000.00
Students Function1,500.001,500.00
Alumni Contribution500500
Sports Fund5005001,000.00
Thesis Evaluation Fee10,000.0010,000.00
Grand Total208,000.00


Fee  TypeEngg.  Program/ ArchitectureBS  Computer Science BS  Chem. BBA  &  Bio-Medical  Engg. TechnologyBS  Math, ELE,  Mech.,  Civil  Engg.  Tech.,   Fashion DesignChemistry , Physics , Criminology & ES
Admission  Fee*  Rs.      30,000.00 Rs.   15,000.00 Rs.    15,000.00 Rs.        15,000.00 Rs.  15,000.00
Processing  Fee* Rs.        2,000.00 Rs.     2,000.00 Rs.      2,000.00 Rs.          2,000.00 Rs.    2,000.00
Fee  with  Application  Form:  Rs.      32,000.00 Rs.   17,000.00 Rs.    17,000.00 Rs.        17,000.00 Rs.  17,000.00
Tuition  Fee  for  three  months Rs.      35,400.00 Rs.   22,920.00 Rs.    20,835.00 Rs.        17,355.00 Rs.  12,600.00
Caution  Money  (refundable) Rs.        6,000.00 Rs.     6,000.00 Rs.      6,000.00 Rs.          6,000.00 Rs.    6,000.00
Registration  Fee Rs.        1,500.00 Rs.     1,500.00 Rs.      1,500.00 Rs.          1,500.00 Rs.    1,500.00
Alumni  Contribution Rs.        1,000.00 Rs.     1,000.00 Rs.      1,000.00 Rs.          1,000.00 Rs.    1,000.00
Student  Functions Rs.        1,500.00 Rs.     1,500.00 Rs.      1,500.00 Rs.          1,500.00 Rs.    1,500.00
IET  Welfare  Trust  Fund Rs.        1,100.00 Rs.     1,100.00 Rs.      1,100.00 Rs.          1,100.00 Rs.    1,100.00
Annual  Dues Rs.      17,000.00 Rs.   17,000.00 Rs.    17,000.00 Rs.        17,000.00 Rs.  17,000.00
Total  (at  confirmation  of  Admission) Rs.      63,500.00 Rs.   51,020.00 Rs.    48,935.00 Rs.        45,455.00 Rs.  40,700.00

Civil Engineering (alter confirmation of admission) Rs.68,500/· and Total Rs.100,500/-.

Civil Engineering (alter confirmation of admission) Rs.68,500/· and Total Rs.100,500/-.
Detail  of Annual  Dues All  Programs
Students Fee  Rs.        1,000.00
Sports Fee  Rs.           500.00
Library Membership  Rs.           700.00
Transport Fee  Rs.        5,000.00
Examinations etc.  Rs.           600.00
Industrial Tours  Rs.        3,000.00
Internet charges  Rs.        1,000.00
Student Societies  Fee  Rs.           500.00
Magazine Fee  Rs.           200.00
Utilities*  Rs.        3,000.00
Generator Fuel  Charges  Rs.        1,000.00
Miscellaneous  Rs.           500.00
Total:  (For  All  other  Programs)  Rs.      17,000.00
Survey  Camp  Fee  only  for  Civil  Engineering  Rs.        5,000.00
Total:  (Annual  Dues  for  Civil  Engineering)  Rs.      22,000.00
* The dues are subject to review from time to time. Tuition Fee will be increased @ 5% of  its  existing  rate  every  year  for  all  students.
Fee  for  all  Engineering  & B.  Architecture is Rs.11,800/-  per  month.
Fee  for  BS(CS)  & Pharm-D is  Rs.7,640/-  per  month.
Fee  for  BBA &  Bio-Medical  Technology  Program  is  Rs.6,945/-  per  month. Fee  for  BS  Chem.,  Elect.,  Mech.,  &  Civil  Technologies,  LLB,  Fashion  Design  is  Rs.5,785/-  per  month
BS  Mathematics,  Physics,  Chemistry ,  Criminology , Nursing & ES is  Rs.4200/-  per  month Annual  Dues  for  Civil  Engineering  are  Rs.22,000/-  per  year.
Annual  Dues  for  all  other  programs  are  Rs.17,000/-  per  year.
*AC  in  class  room  will  be  allowed  for  60  days  in  season.
* Note:  (i)  Dues  are  payable  on  1st  of  every  quarter.  A  fine  of  Rs.50/- per  day  will  be  charged  after  10th  of  the  month  of  that  quarter. Student  will  have  to  deposit  a  fine  equal  to  Admission  fee  after  end  of month  otherwise  he/she  will  not  be  allowed  to  attend  the  classes. (ii)The  students  are  expected  to  clear  all  their  dues  before  taking  any examination.   No  student  shall  be  allowed  to  sit  in  the  Examination Hall  without  formal  clearance  of  the  Accounts  Department (Fee Section).
i)  Mess  Security  and  Mess  dues  are  in  addition  to  above  charges.
ii)    Mess  Security  is  Rs.5000/-  (refundable)**  and  Mess  Dues  are  roughly Rs.4,000/-  per  month  for  two  meals  a  day.
iii)    Maximum  stay  of  a  student  in  the  hostel  shall  be  4-years  from  the  date  of his/her  admission  in  IET.
**Subject  to  production  of  original  receipt.
Category  “K  &  S”  Candidates
An  additional  amount  in  Lump  sum  as  overseas/self-supporting  fees:
Civil/Mechanical  Engineering Rs. 500,000/-
Electrical/Chemical ,  Petroleum  Engineering & BBA Rs. 100,000/-
BS  (Computer  Science) Rs. 200,000/-
B.  Architecture,  Environment  Engg.  &
Bio-Medical  Tech.
Elect.,  Mech.  &  Civil  Technologies Rs. 75,000/-
BS  Chemical  Technology  &  all  other  programs Rs. 50,000/-


(i) This Fee will be paid in 4 installments, 25% at the time of Admission, 25% each at 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters respectively.
(ii) Students admitted in “K & S” category will also pay taxes as per Govt,/FBR policies.

Dues payable along with Application Form* All categories except “K & S”: – All Engg. & Architecture program Rs. 32,000.00
– All other Programs Rs. 17,000.00
With “K & S” Categories
“K & S” Category for Civil and Mechanical Engineering: Rs. 157,000.00
“K & S” Category for Electrical, Chemical, Petroleum Engineering & B. Architecture Rs. 57,000.00
“K & S” Category for BS (CS) Rs. 67,000.00
“K & S” Category for Bio-Medical Technology & BBA Rs. 42,000.00
“K & S” Category for BS Elect., Mech., & Civil Technologies Rs. 35,750.00
“K & S” Category for Chemical Technology & all other programs Rs. 29,500.00
Candidates applying all programs (all categories) Rs. 157,000.00
(Subject to revision any time without notice)
Hostel Charges
: Hostel Fee for one year allotment will be 30,000/- PKR as mentioned below:
(a) Room Rent (per resident per year) Rs. 14,400.00
(b) Electricity charges (per resident per year) Rs. 9,600.00
(c) Housekeeping Charges (per resident per year) Rs. 3,400.00
(d) Maintenance/Breakage Rs. 500.00
(e) Security Rs. 1,400.00
(f) Hostel Resident Card Rs. 100.00
(9) Generator Fuel Charges Rs. 600.00
Total: Rs. 30,000.00
Electricity charges for over and above load extension:
Room-Coolers (1 May – 30 Sep) Rs. 3,000.00 /month/room
Refrigerator (1 Jan – 30 Dec) Rs. 2,000.00 /month/room
Dispenser (1 Jan – 30 Dec) Rs. 300.00 /month/room
Microwave Oven (Non-cooking) Rs. 500.00 /month/room
(Jan 01 to Dec. 31)
Schedule of Fee Payment
Quarter Last Date
1st quarter At the time of admission
2nd quarter before January 10, 2023
3rd quarter before April 10, 2023
4th quarter before July 10, 2023
Note: The institute holds the right to change the schedule of Fee Payment by issuing a notice in advance.