Engr. Dr. Syed Safdar Raza

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
PhD in Electrical Engineering
M.S in Electrical Engineering
B.Sc in Electrical Engineering

10 years of experience in the Electrical Industry, Research & Teaching.

Professional Affiliations

Pakistan Engineering Council

Recent Publications

Recent Research Articles - Journals
1) S. Raza, H. Mokhlis, H. Arof, J. A. Laghari, and H. Mohamad, "A Sensitivity Analysis of Different Power System Parameters on Islanding Detection," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 7 (2), pp. 461-470, 2016. [Impact Factor 7.917, ISI Cited Tier-1 Publication, HEC Recognized-HJRS]
2) S. Raza, H. Mokhlis, H. Arof, J. A. Laghari, and L. Wang, "Application of signal processing techniques for islanding detection of distributed generation in distribution network: A review," Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 96, pp. 613-624, 2015 [Impact Factor 9.709, ISI Cited Tier-1 Publication, HEC Recognized-HJRS]
3) S. Raza, H. Mokhlis, H. Arof, K. Naidu, J. A. Laghari, and A. S. M. Khairuddin, “Minimum-features-based ANN-PSO approach for islanding detection in distribution system," IET Renewable Power Generation,vol. 10 (9), pp. 1255-1263, 2016 [Impact Factor 3.930, ISI Cited Tier-1 Publication, HEC Recognized-HJRS]
4) S. Raza, H. Arof, H. Mokhlis, H. Mohamad, and H. A. Illias, "Passive islandingdetection technique for synchronous generators based on performance ranking ofdifferent passive parameters," IET Generation Transmission & Distribution,Vol. 11 (17), pp. 4175 – 4183, 2017[Impact Factor 2.995, ISI Cited Tier-1 Publication, HEC Recognized- HJRS]
5) Shivashankar.S, HazlieMokhlis, Saad Mekhilef, M.Karimi and S. Raza,“Ramp-rate control approach based on dynamic smoothing parameter to mitigate solar PV output fluctuations,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 96, pp. 296-305, 2018[Impact Factor 4.630, ISI Cited Tier-1 Publication, HEC Recognized-HJRS]
6) A. N. Ab Salam, H. Mohamad, N. Y.Dahlan,S. Raza, "Performance of multiple passive islanding detection technique for synchronous type of DG,” Journal of Electrical Systems,Vol. 13 (3), pp. 568-578,2017[Impact Factor 0.87, ISI Cited Publication, HEC Recognized-HJRS]
7) M. Jabir, H. A. Illias, S. Raza, H. Mokhlis, "Intermittent smoothing approaches for wind power output: A review,” Energies, vol. 10(10), pp. 1572, 2017[Impact Factor 3.004, ISI Cited Tier-1Publication, HEC Recognized-HJRS]
8) J. Hussain, M. Hussain, S. Raza and M. Siddique, “Power quality improvement of grid connected wind energy system using DSTATCOM-BESS” International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, Vol. 9 (3), pp. 1388-1397, 2019 [Impact Factor 3.12, ISI Cited Tier-1 Publication, HEC Recognized-HJRS]
9) Z. Younas, and S. Raza, "Performance analysis of power system indices for islanding detection”, IndianJournal of Science and Technology,Vol. 12 (40), pp. 1- 10, 2019[ISI Cited Publication, HEC Recognized-HJRS]
10) S. Raza, H. Amjad, M. Umer, and A. Khalid "Analysis of power system parameters for islanding detection using wavelet transform”,Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 17 (03), pp. 1184-1193, 2020[Impact Factor 1.29, HEC Recognized-HJRS]
11) S. Raza, T ur Rahman, M. Saeed, S. Jameel “Performance analysis of power system parameters for islanding detection using mathematical morphology”, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Vol. 12 (1), pp. 517-527, 2021 [Impact Factor 3.180, ISI Cited Tier-1 Publication, HEC Recognized-HJRS]
12) T. Nasir, S. S. H. Bukhari, S. Raza, H. M. Munir,M. Abrar, H. A.Muqeet, K. L. Bhatti, J. Ro, and R. Masroor, "Recent Challenges and Methodologies in Smart Grid Demand Side Management: State-of-the-Art Literature Review" Mathematical Problems in Engineering, pp. 1 - 16, 2021 [Impact Factor 1.305, ISI Cited Tier-1 Publication, HEC Recognized-HJRS]
13) Sami, M.S., Abrar, M., Akram, R., Hussain, M.M., Nazir, M.H., Khan, M.S., and S. Raza, "Energy Management of Microgrids for Smart Cities: A Review" Energies, Vol. 14 (18), p.p 5976, 2021, https://doi.org/10.3390/ en14185976 [Impact Factor 3.004, ISI Cited Tier-1 Publication, HEC Recognized-HJRS]
14) T. Nasir, S. Raza, M. Abrar, H. A. Muqeet, H. Jamil, F. Qayyum, O. Cheikhrouhou, F. Alassery and H. Hamam, "Optimal scheduling of campus micro grid considering the electric vehicle integration in smart grid" Sensors, Vol. 21 (21), 7133, pp. 1 - 20, 2021 [Impact Factor 3.567, ISI Cited Tier-1 Publication, HEC Recognized-HJRS]
15) N. Shafique, S. Raza, H. M. Munir, S. S. H. Bukhari, J. S. Ro, "Islanding detection strategy for wind farm based on performance analysis of passive indices having negligible NDZ" Applied Sciences, Vol. 11 (21), pp. 9989, 2021 [Impact Factor 2.679, ISI Cited Tier-1 Publication, HEC Recognized-HJRS]