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maybe we will use this to include the department Head's message or even video intros. Who knows, some people can face the camera yeah ?
For some reason, I really like line breaks
Most of you must be wondering what happened to "Lorem ipsum", why is he using different text?
Because, I am different
I care about little details and right now this dummy text is filling the empty space
sometimes I believe, all we need is a keyboard and a blank screen
sad, but true.
Why Study Law?
Many students come to study Law, knowing absolutely that they want to work in the Law sector these students don't usually require convincing or persuasion, and may have had a long-time passion for and interest in Law. This can often arise from or be stimulated by life experience- for example; someone who has seen and experienced injustice first-hand may be committed to spending their lives working for justice.
NFC-IET will ensure that their graduates have a minimum set of competences and skills.
Critical Analysis- being able to read, understand, analyze and make up your own mind.
Writing- being able to draft a clear written argument.
Research – being able to find relevant case Law in support of a legal argument.
Argument and Presentation– being able clearly to formulate and argue your position or point.
Sharing Ideas- it is required in Law that you are able to argue complex ideas in simple terms, so that not only other law professionals but also your clients are able to understand you.
There are a number of options for those graduating with a Law degree - including doing a postgraduate Law Master (LLM), taking up a position as a candidate attorney at a law firm or doing a Legal Practice course, For Example:
The Higher Education Commission (HEC) is conducting Law Admission Test (Law-LAT) for candidates desiring to get admission in five-year undergraduate LLB Degree Programme in HEC/PBC recognised public and private sector universities/ institutions and their accredited affiliated colleges, as per directions of the Supreme Court vide its order dated March6, 2018 and judgement dated August 31, 2018 passed in C.P.134/2012.
Faculty at NFC-IET have impeccable qualifications, extensive expertise and experience in their chosen fields and an overriding commitment to the welfare of their students. Our faculty is one of the biggest reasons why students select NFC-IET.


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